Coarse - grained POS Tagging

"Parts of speech" are the basic lexical categories of the words present in a language. It is very important to understand these, in order to understand the grammar and use of the language concerned.


  • Ram(Noun) ate(Verb) an(Determiner) apple(Noun) with(Preposition) a(Article) fork(Noun).
  • राम(Noun) ने(Postposition) चम्मच(Noun) से(Postposition) मिठाई(Noun) खाई(Verb).

Each part of speech explains how the word is used. In fact, the same word can act as different parts of speechs depending on the context.

Eg: A noun in one sentence and an adjective in the next.

  • The glass was broken(Verb).
  • The broken(Adjective) glass pierced her flesh.

Part-of-speech tagging is the process of assigning a part-of-speech (lexical class marker) to each word in a corpus.

POS Function Example
Verb Action or state take, eat, है, सोना, गया
Noun Naming word; person or thing table, John, honesty, राम, कुर्सी, हिम्मत
Pronoun Replaces Noun he, she, you, मैं, वह
Determiner Occurs before noun or noun phrase the, many, all
Adjective Describes noun green, big, छोटा, सुन्दर, काला
Adverb Describes Verb naturally, slowly,धीरे, जल्दी
Preposition Joins noun to other POS in,of, about
Postposition Joins noun to other POS में, से, के लिए
Conjunction Joins two words, phrases, sentences but, so, और, या
Interjection Express emotion or surprise followed by exclamation marks Hello!, Hurray!, वाह!