Fine - grained POS Tagging

Part-of-speech tagging (POS tagging) is the process of marking up a word in a text as corresponding to a particular part of speech, based on both its definition, as well as its context. POS-taggers play an increasingly important role in speech recognition, natural language parsing and information retrieval.

In traditional grammars there were generally only a few parts of speech (Refer to Experiment 5). However, there is a need for further distinction within these categories. For example these tagsets distinguish between possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her, its) and personal pronouns (I, you, he, me). Knowing whether a word is a possessive pronoun or a personal pronoun can tell us what words are likely to occur in its vicinity. For Example , possessive pronouns are likely to be followed by a noun, personal pronouns by a verb.

  • his(Possessive) pen(Noun)
  • he(Personal_Pronoun) went(Verb)

Therefore, each of the traditional part of speech can be made more fine-grained so that can convey additional information. Such a tagset (adapted from the Penn tagset) is shown below:

PENN tagset

POS Tag Deacription Example
CC Coordinating Conjunction and, but, or
CD Cardinal Number 1, one, third
DT Determiner the, some
EX Existential There there is
IN Preposition/Subordinating conjunction in, of, like, that
JJ Adjective green, good
JJR Adjective, Comparative greener, better
JJS Adjective, Superlative greenest, best
MD Modal could, will
NN Noun, Singular or Mass table
NNS Noun Plural tables
NNP Proper Noun, Singular John, Google
NNPS Proper Noun, Plural Vikings, Bachchans
PDT Predeterminer both the boys
POS Possessive Ending friend's
PRP Personal Pronoun I, he, it
PRP$ Possessive Pronoun my, his
RB Adverb however, usually, naturally, here, very
RBR Adverb, Comparative more
RBS Adverb, Superlative most
RP Particle give up
TO To to go, to him
UH Interjection uhhuhhuhh
VB Verb, base form take
VBD Verb, Past Took
VBG Verb, Gerund/Present Participle Taking
VBN Verb, Past Participle Taken
VBP Verb, Singular, Present, non-3rd person Take
VBZ Verb, Singular, Present, 3rd person Takes
WDT Wh-determiner which
WP Wh-pronoun who, what
WP$ Possessive Wh-pronoun whose
WRB Wh-abverb where,when

For eg :
A child in the play liked to place the green bill on the red flower, and used to wonder which of them was beautiful.
A/DT child/NN in/IN the/DT play/NN liked/VBD to/TO place/VB the/DT green/JJ bill/NN on/IN the/DT red/JJ flower/NN and/CC used/VBD to/TO wonder/VB which/WDT of/IN them/PRP was/VBD beautiful/JJ

A fine grained POS tagset for Indian languages

Sl. no. Category Tag name Example
1.1 Common Noun NN किताब, कुर्सी
1.2 Noun denoting spatial and temporal expressions NST ऊपर, सामने
2. Proper Noun NNP राम, राधा
3.1 Pronoun PRP वह
3.2 Demonstrative DEM इस किताब, वह लड़का
4 Verb Main VM करूँगा, खाते
5 Verb Aux VAUX किया था, खाते हुए
6 Adjective JJ सुन्दर, छोटा
7 Adverb RB जल्दी, धीरे (*Only manner adverb)
8 Post position PSP ने, के लिए
9 Particles RP भी ही, जी
10 Conjuncts CC और, या
11 Question Words WQ क्या, कौन
12.1 Quantifiers QF बहुत, थोडा, कम
12.2 Cardinal QC तीन
12.3 Ordinal QO तीसरा
13 Intensifier INTF बहुतअच्छा
14 Interjection INJ अरे!, वाह!
15 Negation NEG नहीं
16 Compounds C स्कूल शिक्षा

For example:
सभी बच्चे बाहर से आये हुए अतिथियों का स्वागत करेंगे।
सभी/QF बच्चे/NN बाहर/NST से/PSP आये/VM हुए/VAUX अतिथियों/NN का/PSP स्वागत/NN करेंगे/VM